

Register now and start enjoying the benefits of visiting unique places!

How does it work?

Na trase od slovenskej Galanty po maďarský Mándok sme vybrali šesť jedinečných miest, ktoré spája história šľachtických rodov Esterházyovcov a Forgáchovcov.

Download the 2FAMILY App available via AppStore or GooglePlay to scan unique QR codes at selected locations. After visiting all 6 locations, the system will generate special codes for you to redeem BONUSES - 2-course dinner with wine for 1 person (SK) and 50% discount on accommodation at the luxurious Forgách Castle Hotel in Mándok, Hungary (HU).

If you don't have a smartphone, don't despair! You can pick up a "passport" at the infopoints of the unique places, after using the service offered (eating at a restaurant, visiting a museum, etc.) during your visit, you will receive a stamp in your passport. If you show all six stamps in Galanta (SK) or Mándok (HU), you can redeem one of your earned BONUSES!


The selected BONUS is valid for one person and must be booked in advance by phone/e-mail!

Kliknutím na tlačidlo Registrovať súhlasíte s našimi podmienkami.